In two years, we've established 19 biodiverse forest carbon projects across 12 countries — and we're just getting started. Our partners create projects that deliver community benefits, gender equality, clean water, and long-term carbon sequestration — and our Hawaiʻi pilot sites engineer new ways to grow these forests at scale.
We invest in communities. Our projects stimulate economic growth, generating income for communities, providing jobs, and promoting equality.
Biodiversity sets the conditions for life on Earth and is a core Terraformation value. The richness of species is what makes ecosystems resilient.
As the only platform that tracks projects from seed to planting, our software, Terraware, reduces risk and increases project efficiency.
Biodiverse native forests can capture more carbon than monoculture tree plantations. They also deliver many other benefits — from clean water to sustainable jobs. These are the forests we grow.
Many nature-based carbon credits rely on monoculture tree plantations that can harm water quality, habitat, and human communities.
Terraformation's carbon scientists, foresters, and community engagement teams handpick each project based on sequestration potential, biodiversity, and community impact. We work with teams that support local people and leave land and water sources better off.
We direct the majority of carbon revenue back to forest creators on the ground, so ecosystems will thrive for generations to come.