This project will restore degraded lands in the Ndélélé communal rainforest. The restored ecosystem will improve soil health, enhance biodiversity, and protect wildlife.
Co-benefits include increased income and sustainable jobs for the community through native species nurseries and expanded agroforestry programs.
Restore native species in the Congo Basin rainforest, the world’s second-largest tropical rainforest and one of Africa’s most critical ecosystems.
Restore native species in the Congo Basin rainforest, the world’s second-largest tropical rainforest and one of Africa’s most critical ecosystems.
The Iroko Analytics and Centre Technique de la Forêt Communale (CTFC) teams have restored 100,000 ha of forests over 15 years.
The Iroko Analytics and Centre Technique de la Forêt Communale (CTFC) teams have restored 100,000 ha of forests over 15 years.
Verra sets the world’s leading standards for climate action and sustainable development. The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is the most widely used GHG crediting program. The Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standard (CCB) indicates that a project mitigates climate change, supports local communities, and protects vulnerable species.