Terraformation Joins Initiative 20x20

December 17, 2020

We’re thrilled to announce that Terraformation has joined Initiative 20x20.

The country-led effort aims to restore 50 million hectares of degraded land throughout Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030. Seventeen country governments jointly direct the Initiative, supported by over 70 technical organizations and 22 private investors. Together, this diverse coalition is showing that restoration carries both financial and ecological benefits for the region.

The Initiative's technical partners include Bioversity International, Conservation International, the Forest Stewardship Council, Rainforest Alliance, the Nature Conservancy, World Resources Institute, World Wildlife Fund, and many more.

As a new technical partner, we’re honored to join this group of restoration innovators and thought leaders.

Image courtesy of World Resources Institute.

More than 650 million hectares of forest — an area twice the size of Argentina — have been destroyed or degraded throughout the region. That's equivalent to 40% of Latin America’s total forest cover. The toll has been devastating to the region’s economy, climate, wildlife, and human health.

But ecosystem restoration holds tremendous opportunity for recovery. A recent study by the World Resources Institute found that restoring 20 million hectares could yield $23 billion in net economic benefits and sequester nearly 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide over a 50-year period.  

We look forward to supporting regenerative efforts throughout the region as a part of 20x20, helping to protect the region’s rich biodiversity and solve climate change.

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