Meet Nyree Hulme — Site Restoration Lead

July 11, 2024
Terraformation Hawaiʻi
  • Joined Terraformation in 2020
  • From Arizona, currently residing in Kailua-Kona

Nyree Hulme, site infrastructure manager for Terraformation, smiles at the camera
Nyree Hulme | Site Restoration Lead

Q: What do you love most about your work?

"I love feeling like I am making a difference to the unique landscape that is Hawaiʻi Island."

Q: What project are you most excited about right now and why?

"As the site lead, I am very partial to our Kaupalaoa project site because you can really see the difference from when we first started!"

Q: If you had the chance to share one message about native reforestation or climate change solutions with a wide audience, what would you say? 

"Trees are not the most important factor, it's the ecosystem as a whole that needs to be restored!"

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