Terraformation’s work supports many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Every Terraformation project directly aligns with the Goals below.
No Poverty
Our projects stimulate economic growth, generating income for communities, providing sustainable jobs, and promoting equality.
Affordable and Clean Energy
Terraformation provides 100% renewable energy solutions for forestry, promoting the sustainability of each project.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Terraformation’s mission is to use robust, affordable forest technology to solve climate change through natural carbon capture.
Climate Action
Terraformation supports partners around the globe to rapidly restore the native forests necessary to scale carbon capture and reverse climate change.
Life on Land
Terraformation collaborates with partners to sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and restore biodiversity.
Central to Terraformation’s mission is a strong commitment to developing equitable, inclusive, global partnerships for sustainable development.